Begins with Morpheus the Dream Master in a futuristic civilization where he is struggling to maintain the world united by controlling their dreams and making sure their minds are healthy.
His last resource is these young gifted children whose minds are connected in the land of dreams where they are able to transmit to the civilization a unity positive message where free beings connect with each other through a new way of language based on feeling their minds and bodies through movement.
The children's job is to keep the dreams connected with each other creating a safe environment full of creativity and a positive atmosphere where everyone is treated equally. and never be stolen by the dark magic army, who would like to use the children's power for evil purposes.
Tentative Schedule:
DAY 1-3
Schedule from 7:30 am to 6 pm
(Ballroom 1-2 sections).
Dreamland will rehearse on stage using the entire ballroom from 8 am to 4 pm
Pre-function-Red Carpet
Dreamers 4:30-5:30 only
4:30-630 pm all attendees and guests
Opening Night
7 pm Cast 1
7:45 intermission and cash bar for adults
8:30 pm Cast 2
9:30 pm 10 pm Dreamland Opening Party Celebration
The last day includes 2 additional Dreamland performances
9:30 am 10:15 am Cast 1
10:45 am 11:30 am Cast 2
12 pm - 12:45 pm Cast 1
1:15 pm - 2 pm Cast 2